❄️ Inclement Weather Days ❄️

Thursday, February 13- Remote Learning Day 

Please have students complete their third envelope of work. This should be returned to the classroom teacher by Monday, February 17

Students who do not return their work will be marked as absent for February 13 .

Thursday, February 6-Remote Learning Day

Please have students complete their second envelope of work. This should be returned to the classroom teacher by Monday, February 10. 

Students who do not return their work will be marked as absent for February 6.

Wednesday, January 29 - 2-hour delay UPDATED to an Remote Learning Day. 

Please have students complete their first envelope of work. This should be returned to the classroom teacher by Friday, January 31. 

Students who do not return their work will be marked as absent for January 29.

If the Superintendent cancels school for inclement weather, he will announce if the day will be a "Snow Day" or an Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Day. 

Please read the following information if you have questions about the cancellation plan for BES students. 

Inclement Weather Plan from the SAU website:

At the elementary level, Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Days will be paper and pencil tasks. These learning tasks will be sent home in a physical bag/envelope ahead of any snow days.  (These will be provided to families at conferences)

There will be three (3) days worth of lessons. Please only complete one day for each Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Day. Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Day lessons are expected to be returned within two (2) days of returning to school.

Teachers will be available either by phone or email (however they have set this up in each class) between the following hours for support of students and families:   BES 10:00 am ‐ 2:30 pm

Para educators will continue to support their students and teachers by the use of emails and any other responsibilities put forth by the teachers or administration. 

Special Education and other Direct Services: At the elementary level we are not using computers for Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Days, so all special education services such as speech, OT, PT, and 1:1 academic support will be made up when we return to school. 

Our counselors, nurses, and other program specialists will be available for support throughout the day by phone and/or email.

You may view the full Inclement Weather Plan (24-25) here 

Inclement Weather Plan 2425.pdf